
canine energy Learn more about canine energy

  • How big can Golden Retriever grow?

    How big can Golden Retriever grow?

    Male Golden Retriever can grow to 58-61 cm tall and weigh 26-31.5 kg; female Golden Retriever can grow to 52-56 cm tall and 25-27 kg; their lifespan is between 12 and 15 years. How does the golden hair comb the dog's hair? Combing time: comb the hair once in the morning and evening, 5 minutes each time.

    2020-11-11 Golden hair canine energy length size male golden hair long to
  • How does the sow deliver? How do I dispense treatment?

    How does the sow deliver? How do I dispense treatment?

    When the piglet's head is exposed to the birth canal, the breeder needs to deliver it immediately, wipe the mucus from the nose and mouth with a clean towel, and then dry the whole body. Some piglets are wrapped in membranes and need to be torn open immediately. For beginners, muscle notes are recommended.

    2020-11-08 sow farrowing how delivery dispensing treatment abstract when see
  • Male dog infertility

    Male dog infertility

    Male dog infertility means that male dogs cannot be fertilized or their sperm cannot fertilize eggs: there are many kinds of infertility, including primary infertility, low energy and acquired infertility. In primary infertility, the most common is testicular hypoplasia, small size, hard or soft texture. Most sick dogs have normal libido, but have no sperm. In two sick animals with segmental epididymal dysplasia, the ejaculatory reflex is normal, but the ejaculated semen has no sperm. Low energy usually refers to a decrease in sperm count, a normal sperm count but extremely poor motility, or an abnormal sperm count, etc.

  • Feeding and management of young mink in the early stage of breeding

    Feeding and management of young mink in the early stage of breeding

    Feeding and management of young mink in the early stage of breeding

  • Prevention and treatment of common disease of fox and raccoon dog in autumn

    Prevention and treatment of common disease of fox and raccoon dog in autumn

    The main causes of gastroenteritis are improper feeding and management, sudden change of feed or feed corruption and deterioration, excessive food intake, etc.; in addition, there are also diseases such as canine distemper, Pasteurella multocida, E. coli and other diseases that can cause secondary gastroenteritis. The clinical manifestations are loss of appetite at the beginning of the disease, sometimes vomiting, loss of appetite in the later stage of the disease, oral mucosal congestion, dry fever, mental depression, inactivity. Belly curl, stoop, bowel sound

  • How to cut the teeth and cut off the tail and navel of newborn piglets?

    How to cut the teeth and cut off the tail and navel of newborn piglets?

    Newborn piglets, pigs that grow up to about 30 kilograms, are called piglets. So how to cut the teeth and cut off the tail and navel of piglets at birth? 1. Pigs are naturally fond of fighting food, and newborn piglets have two pairs of fine canine teeth. In order to prevent piglets from robbing milk

    2020-11-11 Piglets newborn how to do cut teeth break tail and broken navel just came out
  • Meat dog breeding technology guide video

    Meat dog breeding technology guide video

    Meat dog breeding technology guide video

  • Unfaithful love or loyalty? Let the animal boss teach you how to be a man.

    Unfaithful love or loyalty? Let the animal boss teach you how to be a man.

    Unfaithful love or loyalty? This is a problem. In the animal world, monogamy, polygamy and even polyandry are common. On this day, let's introduce those monogamous animals. More.

  • The management method of raising young mink in breeding period

    The management method of raising young mink in breeding period

    1. Characteristics of nutritional requirements of young minks the young minks were weaned from 40 to 50 days old and fed on feed, and the breeding period was at the end of September, which was the stage of young mink, and then turned to the period of preparing for mating or changing hair. During the breeding period, due to the dynamic leveling of nutrients and energy in the body

    2020-11-08 Breeding mink young mink breeding period management method
  • Hygienic requirements for raccoon dog culture in Wusuli

    Hygienic requirements for raccoon dog culture in Wusuli

    General hygiene requirements: lime disinfection tank made of cement should be set up at the entrance of raccoon dog farm. If conditions permit, sunlight disinfection can be added. Ultraviolet rays have a good killing effect on anthrax spores and Pasteurella. All personnel shall enter and exit from this place, control the visitors from outside, and the breeding technicians shall manage their raccoon dogs, tools, utensils and articles according to their division of labor, and shall not move together. The ground of raccoon dog farm is always kept clean and dry. The ground of cage one is sprinkled with quicklime powder once a week, and the feces are cleaned once a day. They are concentrated in fixed places.

  • Management techniques of masked palm civet Culture

    Management techniques of masked palm civet Culture

    Management techniques of masked palm civet Culture

  • Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of small intestinal obstruction in dogs

    Etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of small intestinal obstruction in dogs

    Small intestinal obstruction is a kind of acute abdomen in dogs, which is often caused by mechanical obstruction of the intestinal cavity or irreversible changes in the normal position of the small intestine, such as intussusception, incarceration, torsion and so on. Small intestinal obstruction not only causes intestinal obstruction, but also accompanied by local blood circulation disturbance. The cause of the disease is to eat bones, nuts and elastic toys. Intestinal parasites such as Ascaris lumbricoides, Taenia solium and intestinal obstruction caused by Ascaris lumbricoides are the main causes. Intestinal adhesion and intestinal tumor after operation. Strenuous activity after eating causes mesenteric rupture, septal rupture, umbilical hernia and intestinal entry.

  • Diarrhea on suckling pigs, this method absolutely works!

    Diarrhea on suckling pigs, this method absolutely works!

    Diarrhea on suckling pigs, this method absolutely works!

  • How much is a young meat dog? What are the main points of breeding?

    How much is a young meat dog? What are the main points of breeding?

    Dog meat is not only delicious and nutritious, but also has medicinal values such as tonifying kidney and strengthening yang. With the improvement of people's living standards, the prospect of meat dog breeding is broader. There has been an increase in meat dog breeding in recent years, how much is it for a young meat dog? Key points of culture

    2020-11-11 Meat dogs seedlings probably more less money one breeding key points there are
  • 25 countermeasures for comprehensive prevention and control of diarrhea in piglets are indispensable.

    25 countermeasures for comprehensive prevention and control of diarrhea in piglets are indispensable.

    25 countermeasures for comprehensive prevention and control of diarrhea in piglets are indispensable.

  • Pay attention to the feeding and management of winter and spring piglets to ensure the economic benefits of the whole year

    Pay attention to the feeding and management of winter and spring piglets to ensure the economic benefits of the whole year

    Pay attention to the feeding and management of winter and spring piglets to ensure the economic benefits of the whole year

  • Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Fox Raccoon Dog

    Prevention and Control of Common Diseases of Fox Raccoon Dog

    7--9 In January, foxes enter the recovery period and cubs enter the breeding period. The common diseases in this period mainly include the following. (1) Heat stroke (sunstroke and heat stroke) occurs in the summer season, when the temperature is too high and the ventilation is poor, the animal is directly exposed to sunlight to cause brain overheating (sunstroke) or the stimulation of whole body heating (heat stroke). The disease usually occurs rapidly and the mortality rate is very high. Fox raccoon extremely underdeveloped sweat glands, slow body temperature distribution, easy to cause body temperature rise, depression, step

  • Culture techniques of grouper

    Culture techniques of grouper

    Culture techniques of grouper

  • Problems existing in China's Fox Industry and some suggestions

    Problems existing in China's Fox Industry and some suggestions

    In the past 20 years, the fox industry in China has made great progress, but through a systematic investigation on the current situation of fox farmers in the past 10 years, we have found some noticeable problems affecting reproduction and fur quality. The details are reported as follows. 1 feeding and feed at present, fox farms (households) all over the country are raised in single cages in hospitals; full-price feed is used to add corn flour, sea fish, freshwater fish, beef liver, various meat leftovers, and a small amount of other ingredients to cook

  • Techniques of raising Meat Dogs in the Courtyard

    Techniques of raising Meat Dogs in the Courtyard

    Meat dogs refer to those who mainly eat meat. The investment in raising this kind of meat dogs is small and the profit is very high. Therefore, the breeding industry of meat dogs is also developing day by day. Meat dog breeding needs a relatively large venue, generally with a large courtyard. So, there are some meat dogs raised in the yard.

    2020-11-08 Courtyard meat raising dog technology meat dog that is those to